Thursday, March 8, 2007

Panel Presentation

The panel presentation was semi-helpful in answering my questions about what its like to actually be a teacher; it was a very good reality check. The panel presentation, however, could have been set up in a more learning-conducive way. It was very difficult for everyone to get their answers in, as well as the teachers being very uncomfortable in the setting. It was apparent that they felt under pressure, which could have been the reason they didn’t answer every question completely. On the other hand, there were many pros to the panel presentation as it gave insight into what its really like to teach. The teachers talked about how they work together within the school, and sometimes plan units together, in order to intertwine different subject areas into their own. Doing so, is very beneficial to students, as it helps them develop skills in thinking outside the box, so to speak. Also, they discussed the low teacher salary, and how we may have to work a second job in the summer, which doesn’t bother me, because teaching high school students math is worth it. Lastly, it was interesting to hear how the different teachers entered the world of teaching. One of them switched careers from an engineer, two were always teachers, and one was a teacher, left for a year, then came back to teaching. It was a good look into how life’s course can change at anytime, but as long as you work hard, you can always succeed at what you truly want in life. Overall it was a very informative and helpful look into the real teaching experience.

1 comment:

TexasTheresa said...

Nice reflection. I'm glad you were able to still get so much out of it in spite of the pitfalls in planning.